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5 Cost Reduction Strategies for Your Managed Print Service (MPS)

A stressed woman sitting at her office desk, intensely scrutinizing a document in her hand, with an expression of worry on her face.

Stepping into the future, aren't we? The landscape of work is changing rapidly, with hybrid and work-from-home models becoming the new norm. Over the years, we've seen a significant drop in the reliance on print. Many companies are now considering consolidating their devices and reviewing their agreements with Managed Print Service (MPS) providers. If you're one of them, here's how your MPS should be helping you reduce costs.

1. Reduce or Remove Minimum Volume Commitments

It's not uncommon for many MPS providers to lock businesses into high minimum volume commitments. Committing to a certain level of print usage, often more than what you actually need, leads to unnecessary costs. But as the printing needs of businesses evolve, so should the flexibility of these plans. With the rise of digital communication and record-keeping, most businesses don't require the same volume of printing as they did before.

Your MPS provider should offer plans that only charge you for the prints you make, ensuring that you pay only for what you use. This flexibility can lead to substantial cost savings, making it an essential feature for any MPS in 2024.


2. Replace All Print Servers with Cloud Serverless Print

The future of printing lies in the cloud. By switching to a cloud serverless print, you eliminate the need for physical servers. This move dramatically reduces both hardware costs and maintenance expenses, making it a financially sound decision for your business.

Consider this: traditional server-based setups not only involve high capital expenditure on hardware, but they also require significant IT resources for maintenance and support. And then there's the risk of downtime. Imagine not being able to print shipping labels for sending goods or halting orders altogether because of a print server issue. The cost implications can be severe.

By making the switch to cloud serverless print, you can save considerable amounts of money and time, freeing up IT resources to focus on core business activities.


3. Removal of Unnecessary Devices

The global pandemic has fundamentally reshaped our work environment, pushing us towards digitalization and hybrid work models. It's no shock to see that this evolution of work has significantly reduced print requirements for many businesses.

In this new world, where remote work is prevalent and paperless operations are encouraged, the need to have a photocopier for each department and a small personal printer in every private off has tapered off. If you haven't consolidated your print devices since 2020, it's probably something to take a closer look at.

Another pitfall to look out for is MPS providers who are pushing for more devices. Some providers and manufacturers have their key KPIs around the number of large A3 printers they can sell to clients - so if you find yourself in a misalignment where they're pushing printers and you're consolidating, it might be a sign to change.

You must assess whether you actually need all these devices. Aim to collaborate with a partner who will provide a right-fit MPS solution, ensuring you only pay for what you genuinely need. This approach not only reduces unnecessary expenses but also promotes a more collaborative and eco-friendly workplace, aligning perfectly with the evolving work dynamics in the post-pandemic world.


4. Align Devices with Needs

Your MPS should be more than just a provider; they should be a partner who helps you evaluate your printing needs and align your devices accordingly. For instance, if a recruitment team only prints candidate CVs, it would be more cost-effective to use cheaper A4 devices instead of large A3 printers. A strategic alignment of devices with needs can lead to significant savings over time.

Instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach to your printing needs, the MPS should help you strategically align your devices with your specific requirements. This could mean using different types of printers for different teams or tasks within your organization.

The idea is that by tailoring your printing infrastructure to your unique needs, you can achieve significant savings over time. These savings could come from reduced paper and ink usage, lower energy consumption, and fewer maintenance requirements.


5. Implement Software Solutions

Finally, the adoption of software solutions that enable staff to print to any device in their office is a game-changer. This technology not only reduces the need for multiple personal printers but also boosts efficiency as employees can print from anywhere.

Moreover, these solutions can help tackle the issue of 'ghost prints' - instances where documents are printed but not collected, leading to wastage. By implementing a swipe-to-release feature, prints are only released when the employee is physically at the printer, ready to collect their documents. This eliminates the problem of forgotten printouts and unnecessary reprints, saving both paper and ink.

In a world where convenience is king, and sustainability is becoming increasingly important, cost-saving software solutions have become essential. They not only enhance efficiency and reduce waste but also contribute to a more eco-friendly workplace.


A Cost-Effective Move Towards the Future of Printing

As we approach 2024, it's time to review your current MPS agreement. If your provider isn't helping you reduce costs in these ways, it may be time to consider a switch. Enabl regularly works with new and existing clients to generate substantial savings on their print costs.

So, how much can you save? Contact us today, and let's explore how we can help you reduce costs and streamline your printing needs in 2024. The future of printing is here, and it's more cost-effective than ever.